Your donation means a lot to us. Your money will go directly towards Beatroute Arts, helping us to provide high quality, creative and holistic experiences which inspire and empower our local community. You can read more about what we do here.
Lately at Beatroute Arts
We’re a busy bunch here at Beatroute! Here’s what our members, volunteers and staff team have been up to lately.

Happy New Year!
We’re back with our regular activities here at Beatroute Arts! Have a browse of what we offer over on our ‘Take Part’ page, drop us a line here on the website with any queries and follow us on socials to make sure you get all the latest updates!
Instagram: @beatrouteart
Merry Christmas!!
After a final week of wonderful festive celebrations and performances, we are off to eat a mince pie or two and go for a wee nap! Wishing all of our members, community, supporters and all a peaceful, content and happy festive period. We’ll see you back here on the 6th January 2025, when our activities resume.
Allsorts Cookbook Launch
Beatroute’s ‘Allsorts-Healthy Minds’ group proudly launched their new cookbook, ‘Cooking For Allsorts’ at a special event at Beatroute Arts on the 4th December. After months of fun, inclusive cookery workshops with North Glasgow Healthy Living Communities and working with graphic artist, Jules Scheele in the illustration and design of the book, it was finally joyfully launched at an event where guests enjoyed some lunch, a ‘chat-show’ where members discussed the book, a chair yoga class with Allsorts yoga teacher, Norman and most importantly, the opportunity to buy the book itself! Beautiful aprons and tea towels made by the group members in workshop with our partners at Print Clan were also selling like hot cakes! We hope to have the book ready for sale from the website soon, but if you are keen to buy a copy in the meantime, please just drop us a line. Our gratitude to The Health And Social Care Alliance Scotland’s ‘Self-Management Fund’ for supporting us in this unique project.
Subway Carriage 117
On Friday the 8th November, Beatroute Arts became the proud owner of Glasgow Subway Carriage, 117!! After months of negotiations, 117 has finally come to live in the Beatroute garden as Scotland’s 1st ever community-owned train. At present, 117 is covered in tarp and up on wooden blocks, but the carriage will be getting lifted onto a bespoke set of rails in the next couple of weeks. This will enable us to begin working to make the carriage safe and accessible for our members and community to use! We are so looking forward to working with everyone to imagine how we use 117 in the future….softplay, greenhouse, cafe, activity space are some of the suggestions we’ve had so far. Watch out for an updatewhen we launch a page dedicated to all things 117 here on the website! Our gratitude to The Garfield Weston Foundation for their support in making this one-off project a reality!
The Beatroute Arts Centre will be taking a wee breather next week, and closing its doors from the 14th-18th October! The Centre will reopen according to its usual activity schedule from the 21st October. Please note that none of our usual activities will be operating next week, and the building will be closed. Thanks!
January Newsletter
Hear more about the festive activities our members have enjoyed in the run up to Christmas.
Summer Newsletter
It's been a busy time here at the centre and we're looking forward to welcoming groups back after the summer break.